Frequently Asked Questions


Was sind EAP® Abutments?

EAP® abutments are the new generation of abutments. They are patient-specific, bowl-shaped titanium abutments that combine the advantages of the previous gold standards. Our innovation is patented in over 45 countries.

Welche Vorteile haben EAP® Abutments?

  1. Enormous time saving: EAP abutments enable the dentist to shape the emergence profile directly without having to prepare the tissue in several sessions beforehand. This saves the dentist over 90% of working time compared to systems already established on the world market.
  2. Outstanding esthetics and maximum biocompatibility: EAP® abutments prevent visible titanium margins in the event of gingival recession and offer a sustainable solution for long-term implant stability. The materials used ensure optimum compatibility with the surrounding tissue.
  3. Avoidance of bonding joints at bone level: EAP® abutments avoid a bonding joint at bone level, which triggers inflammation. This prevents the formation of an iatrogenic pseudo-pocket.
  4. Subsequent changes: If problems occur directly during insertion or even years later, EAP® abutments can be adapted very easily and quickly at a later date if necessary. See our VIDEO.

EAP® abutments define a new gold standard, a new generation of abutments, independent of the implant system.

Warum wurden EAP® Abutments erfunden?

The inventors, dentists themselves, wanted to create a solution that combines both aesthetics and biocompatibility. With EAP® abutments, this is possible for the first time.

Advantages at a glance: KISS Keep It Simpleand Safe😊

  1. Simplification of the red and white aesthetic.
  2. Maximum reduction in treatment time.
  3. Simple concept for one-abutment-one-time procedure.
  4. Enabling a patient-specific emergence profile with minimal effort.
  5. Minimization of toxic influences from adhesives (e.g. HEMA) thanks to the innovative feather edge.

Sind die in der Zahnmedizin verwendeten Kleber giftig?

Yes, many adhesives contain HEMA, a substance that has been scientifically classified as toxic and potentially damaging to DNA. However, we need these adhesives in dentistry, but they should be used smarter! EAP® abutments minimize this risk by optimizing the placement of the adhesive joint, which significantly reduces exposure. “The dose makes the poison” – EAP® maximizes safety.

Was können EAP® Abutments noch?

EAP® abutments are the only system in the world that implements a complete one-abutment-one-time concept in a patient-specific, simple and practical way. They save time, improve esthetics and simplify complex treatment procedures.

Warum sind patientenindividuelle Abutments besser als Standard-Abutments?

The price difference between standard and patient-specific abutments is small in relation to the total cost of an implant restoration, but the benefits are enormous:

  1. Maximum compatibility: titanium is biocompatible and tissue-friendly.
  2. Perfect esthetics: The emergence profile imitates the natural tooth and ensures a flawless result.
  3. Better tissue healing: protection and support of the soft tissue ensure long-term stability.
  4. Precise fit: Minimizes the risk of inflammation such as peri-implantitis.
  5. Less stress: Precise production saves time and avoids reworking.
  6. Optimum function: Better chewing load distribution and reduced food residue.
  7. Flexibility: Adaptable to implants placed at an angle and difficult situations.

Was unterscheidet EAP® Abutments von T-Base-Abutments?

EAP® abutments minimize the adhesive joint and offer:

  1. Versatility: They can be combined with any crown material.
  2. Biocompatibility, as the adhesive joint is not at bone level.
  3. No slipping of the mesh on the ceramic, as it is titanium.

Warum sind EAP® Abutments goldfarben?

The golden anodization optimizes cell adhesion and ensures a harmonious appearance, as no titanium can shine through.

Welche Qualität haben EAP® Abutments?

EAP® abutments are manufactured on high-precision machines from Germany and Switzerland. All materials are sourced from certified manufacturers in Europe. Production and finishing take place entirely in Austria in our own production facilities. We have received numerous patents and awards.

Aus welchem Material bestehen EAP® Abutments?

Our abutments are made exclusively from high-quality medical-grade titanium (grade 23).

Sind EAP® Abutments stabil?

Yes, despite their thin wall thickness, they can withstand at least 5 million cycles at 250 N, which corresponds to around 20 years of chewing load. The ISO 14801 standard only requires 180 N.

Kann ich EAP® Abutments mit abgewinkeltem Schraubenkanal erhalten?

Yes, screw channels up to 25° are possible. You may need to activate this function in your CAD software.

Welche Implantatsysteme sind kompatibel?

EAP® abutments are compatible with numerous implant systems. You can find a complete list in our store. Store registration


Was brauche ich, um EAP® Abutments zu bestellen?

Register in our online store.

Enter your tax number for intra-Community deliveries (e.g. AT U99999999).

Upload your designed abutment in STL format.

Welche Daten müssen bei der Bestellung angegeben werden?

Implant system



Patient data

Wie wird die Bestellung durchgeführt?

Dentist takes an impression (analog or digital).

Dental technician orders the abutment via the EAP Shop.

The order is processed, a declaration of conformity is issued and the abutment is delivered.

Welche Schritte folgen nach der Bestellung?

Orders are manufactured precisely according to CAD data.

Delivery within 3 days (EU).

Können Zahntechniker EAP® Abutments in den Workflow integrieren?

Yes, they are integrated into common CAD software.

Design, material and crown

Wie designe ich ein EAP® Abutment?

Use your usual CAD software, such as Exocad. First plan the crown (backward planning) and customize the emergence profile.

Welche Materialien werden verwendet?

EAP® abutments are made of high-quality titanium grade 23 and the 2 screws for angled canals are made of titanium grade 5. You are free to choose the crown material. For bridges and free-end pontics, please observe the manufacturer’s instructions of the ceramic manufacturer. If you have any questions, please contact us. Contact us

Impression and application

Wie gehe ich bei der Abformung vor?

Take an impression as usual, analog or digital, and inform your dental technician of the position of the implant and the gingival type. This technician’s note will help you.


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