Our team


The management team (please click on the names of the founders for their CVs) looks forward to receiving your orders.

Ing. Dr. Mario Kern MSc MSc, Founder and CEO

Core skills: Dentistry, dental technology, CNC and surface treatment technology, additive manufacturing, data preparation, patent development, business management

Inventor and owner, doctor of dentistry (Dr. med. dent.), postgraduate studies in implantology (MSc) and additionally in periodontology (MSc), professor of digital dental technologies DTMD Luxembourg (Prof. 2018 – 2024), electronics engineer (Ing.), two international patent applications, independent dentist joint practice Dres. Core

Mario Kern | LinkedIn

DDr. Birgit Kern, co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer CSO

Core skills: Dentistry, human medicine and science

External scientific director, doctor of human medicine (Dr. med. univ.) and doctor of dentistry (Dr. med. dent.), independent dentist at the group practice Dres. Core

DDr. Birgit Kern | LinkedIn

Matteo Zrost, Chief Technical Officer

Core skills: Dental technology, CAD-CAM and 3D printing

Head of dental technology and 3D printing, over 20 years of professional experience in dental technology, specialized in CAD-CAM technology

Matteo Zrost | LinkedIn

Dr. Robert Kovacs, Chief Marketing Officer CMO Europe and CEO USA

Core skills: Marketing, physics and business development

Doctor of Physics (Dr. rer. nat.), 25 years of professional experience in business development, 15 years in the USA, CEO EAP Abutments Inc. in the USA

Robert Kovacs | LinkedIn

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