Our history

How it all began!

It was an ordinary day in the practice of Dr. Mario Kern and his wife DDr. Birgit Kern, but behind the scenes a revolution was brewing. For over 15 years, the two have been passionately dedicated to dentistry. Their dedication to the subject and their expertise in treating implant patients earned them an excellent reputation. But something was missing – the perfection they were striving for remained unattainable.

They had invested countless hours in manufacturing, optimizing and using T-Base abutments themselves. And yet even they initially fell victim to the glittering promises of industry advertising. Why question a seemingly proven method? But in 2009 came the moment that would change everything – a turning point that would shape their lives and their practice forever.

Around two thirds of their implant patients suddenly experienced serious problems. Peri-implantitis, esthetic complications and unpredictable failures – these were not just medical challenges. It felt like a betrayal of their vocation. They searched tirelessly for the causes. Were they themselves to blame? Had they overlooked something? But when they got in touch with colleagues around the world, they realized: the problem was deeper. It was a systemic error, hidden in the products they were using.

A remarkable discovery changed their perspective. The inflammation-free titanium healing abutments showed impressive adhesion. Driven by this observation, the two started a sensational prospective human study. Over 160 electron micrographs revealed a previously overlooked problem: the adhesive joint. It was the limiting factor, the invisible weak point that inevitably led to a pseudo-pocket – a defect that was not created by nature, but by man.

For the Dres. Kern was clear: they could not go on like this. The road was tough, the market offered no solution. But giving up? That was never an option. They embarked on a journey that demanded everything from them. A search for the perfect solution – uncompromising, unstoppable.

After more than ten years of setbacks, long nights and intensive research, it finally arrived: EAP® – an innovation that changed everything.

EAP® combined the biocompatibility of a titanium abutment with the esthetics of a hybrid abutment. It was the answer to the questions that had plagued them for so long. For their patients, it was nothing less than a revolution. For the Dres. At its core, it was the fulfillment of a dream – the dream of making dentistry a better place.

Initially, they looked for the fault in themselves. However, discussions with international colleagues revealed that it was most likely a systemic error in the products used.

A remarkable observation prompted Prof. Kern to conduct a prospective human study in his private practice. Strong adhesions on non-inflammatory titanium healing abutments led to over 160 electron micrographs on T-base abutments. These clearly showed that the adhesive joint was the limiting factor. Dentists and dental technicians unknowingly cause a pseudo-pocket themselves – an iatrogenic problem.

For the Dres. Kern was clear: this could not go on. They set out to find an alternative to the products available on the world market.

There was no product!

The SOLUTION: EAP®. It was so obvious and yet incredibly complex at the same time. The development and research work on it took more than ten years and was characterized by numerous setbacks.

EAP® combines the biocompatibility of a titanium abutment with the esthetics of a hybrid abutment – exactly what dentists want. Kern for their patients.

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